Client Chartway Group
Sector Residential
Location Sittingbourne
Ward Swale Borough Council
Status Planning
Phase 2 proposes 270 dwellings, including 51 affordable homes (s106). The affordable provision is slightly below 30% due to excess in Phase 1. Overall, the development meets the 30% affordable housing requirement, split into rent and shared ownership. The density aligns with surrounding housing patterns, catering to families in a parkland setting. The density varies based on surroundings, following outline plans.
The site density is 40 homes per hectare. The aim is efficient land use in line with NPPF 2021 and outline consent parameters.
Housing types range from 1-bed flats to 4-bed houses. Distribution details in Unit Mix Strategy Plan.
Phase 2 proposes 12 affordable rent and 39 shared ownership homes, adhering to outline consent.
Affordable homes mirror quality and materials of open-market ones. The overall split is detailed in the Accommodation Schedule and Planning Statement.
The site is part of approved Outline Permission for 550-600 homes, aligning with Phase 1’s 580 homes.
Phase 2 aligns with original permission, Development Brief, and stakeholder input, offering high-quality development with local character.
Layout closely follows Outline Masterplan, adhering to code and local understanding. It maintains the Vision of Parameter Plans and Design and Access Statement.