Client: Hexagon Housing Association
Sector: Residential
Location: Purley
Ward: London B of Croyden
Status: On site
Proposal: Demolition of 2 no. existing detached houses erection of 28 no apartments in a tandem arrangement with associated hard and soft landscaping.
The application site is currently occupied by a two large detached family dwelling houses set well in the surrounding street scene along Russell Hill Road on the Western side of the street. Whilst the host properties are traditional dwellings and considered to add to the residential character, the surrounding area has been subject to a number of planning permissions in recent years and the overall character and appearance of the area has been significantly altered.
The surrounding area is all mainly residential albeit, that the design styles have developed, with the number of flatted and back land developments approved and built over the last 10 years.
The proposed development would see the provision of additional dwellings on the site, within an established residential area. There would be no loss of protected uses and the existing dwelling is not subject to any statutory protection. There are a number of flatted developments fronting Russell Hill including a recent approval at 4-8 Russell Hill and thus the principle of flats in this location is seen as acceptable.