Client: McCarthy Stone
Sector: Retirement Living
Location: Banstead
Ward: Reigate & Banstead Borough Council
Status: On site
Drawing on the opportunities the site offers, a strategy is formed for the development. With a focus on accommodating the required movement and informing the layout, the site is broken down into smaller pockets informed by the type of use and location. From this, it can be further broken down into a finer grain of detail. The spatial arrangement of different types of area and how they interact with adjacent spaces, circulation and movement develops an optimal layout. This design is further enhanced by the response of layout to identified factors on site, creating distinctive feature and focal points.
The function of the building and the people who are to inhabit it inform the nature of the public and private spaces. In order to create an attractive and well suited development displaying good design supported by the National Design Guide, particular focus is made on the communal and public spaces such as gardens, courtyards and paths. These form a key characteristic of the development and its interaction with the community.
The site’s necessity to accommodate sufficient access, parking and movement of people and vehicles informs the large more open spaces towards Bolters Lane. This generates a clear arrival as well as inclusive dialogue between the development and the town.
Spaces for private use by the residents are located towards the rear of the site where overlook and disturbance is minimised and security and intimacy are maximised.
McCarthy & Stone held a public exhibition to display the proposals for the redevelopment of the site on Saturday 23rd February 2019. Between 10am and 2pm, the Banstead Civic Centre hosted 154 attendees who were presented with information boards outlining the vision for the site. The venue was located adjacent to the site. This allowed the applicants to gain valuable feedback from the local community to the proposal site.
The purpose of the public exhibition was to generate a dialogue with local residents who’s feedback was considered and addressed prior to submitting a full planning application.
The proposals have been refined following the public consultation, one to one meetings, feedback from the Local Authority and addressing the reasons for refusal highlighted in the recently unsuccessful planning application. [Ref:19/00472/F]
The footprint of the development has remained broadly similar to the initial sketch proposals but the architectural style and detailing has been refined so as to reflect the local architectural vernacular. This more informed design adds to the building’s contribution to the local character and develops a more suited and appropriate aesthetic in-keeping with the heritage of the area.
The front elevation to Bolters Lane has been revised to reflect the local architectural vernacular and to replicate the facade of the existing building where possible.
The main gables were revised to introduce elements of timber reflecting the timber elements found locally. The balconies and fascias were amended to be black in appearance. The windows were simplified with more traditional glazing bars.
All of this was in effort to improve the built form’s link to the identity and character of the local area and therefore developing a coherent and more attractive proposal.
The detailed layout has been designed around the constraints and opportunities to create a high quality Retirement Living development for older persons. The aim of the layout is to create an attractive residential environment, within a well established residential setting, close to local amenities – ensuring sustainability.
The layout proposes to re–use the main entrance to Bolters Lane, which will be widened to improve access and promote the necessary movement as well as interaction into the site.
The location of the building provides an opportunity to retain and enhance landscaped areas to the site frontage and create a private south facing communal garden space to the rear.
The main car park is proposed to provide access to the rear and shoppers entrances on the ground floor, furthering the permeability and movement in the site to the internal layout. Additional parking spaces are provided at the front of the property.
The location of the new building facilitates the retention of the large mature trees to the front of the site, which will create a mature setting for the new building, helping to integrate it within its wider setting and identity of the local area.
This design demonstrates and addresses all of the characteristics necessary for an attractive, suitable and sustainable scheme as specified in the National Design Guide as well as demonstrating an efficient use of the brownfield site.