Client: McCarthy Stone
Sector: Retirement residential
Location: Woking
Ward: Woking Borough Council
Status: Planning Approved
The proposal draws from the opportunities and constraints of the site and its surroundings. It makes use of the existing vehicle access from Brooklyn Road to the eastern edge of the site whilst proposing a prominent pedestrian access point on the same side.The apartments and all associated services are designed as a single high quality structure in the centre of the site and provides frontage to both Brooklyn and Guildford Roads. The location of this proposed building as well as retained and proposed planting mitigate any potential overlooking to surrounding properties. In addition the retained trees provide a positive contribution for neighbours and future residents alike.
A palette of materials and detailing has been developed from contextual studies of the local character, including the existing building on the site. Detailing including tile banding, stone cills and headers, red brick and clay tiles, which are present on the existing building are reflected within the proposals. This will enable it to cohere with the surrounding context and reflect on the history of the site. To add to this, some of the features from the existing building will be integrated into the proposed landscaping scheme.
To respond to the opportunities and constraints on the site, the materials and architectural features included in the design reflect the mix of traditional and contemporary buildings in the surrounding area.