Client: Acorn Group
Sector: Residential & Mixed Use
Location: Welling, Kent
Ward: London Borough of Bexley
Status: Planning
The proposal comprises a single building containing 7no. residential apartments, each with private external amenity space. The ground floor includes of a flexible commercial unit, as well as cycle storage, bin store, cleaning cupboard and residential entrance lobby. The lobby provides access to the residential apartments over three additional storeys, with a roof garden at the third floor level serving the adjacent apartment.
The ground floor apartment has a dedicated entrance, accessed from Deepdene Road, and a private garden to the side. The remaining 6no. residential apartments are accessed through the residential entrance lobby. The commercial unit, cycle store and bin stores are designed with secure access controls.
The proposal is at a similar mass and scale to the attached buildings (22 to 26 Bellegrove Road), which shows it to be in proportion to its surrounding context. The commercial unit to the ground floor is in line with the commercial unit heights within the street scene. The top floor of the proposal steps back, reducing the overall, whilst maintaining a subservience to the adjacent / attached pitched roof.
The proposals provide sensitively designed, high quality dwellings, with a varied mix of homes that are appropriate to meet local requirements in order to contribute to the housing need in the local area.