Client: Dandara Homes
Sector: Masterplanning
Location: Crowborough
Ward: Wealden District Council
Status: Planning
Working with client, Dandara Homes, we have submitted a planning application for the development of 130 residential units, with associated parking, drainage and landscaping at Land at Walshes Road Phase II, Crowborough.
Pre-application advice has been sought in relation to the proposal, and through helpful ongoing discussions with the Local Authority the design has evolved through contextual analysis, with careful consideration of scale, appearance, materials and the relationship with the surrounding context.
The proposals provide sensitively designed, high quality dwellings, with a varied mix of homes that are appropriate to meet local need, in order to contribute to the housing need in the local area. This Design and Access Statement concludes that the proposals are fully acceptable in design and access terms and will contribute positively towards the character of the area through a thorough,