Client: Bugler Homes
Sector: Residential & Commercial
Location: Berrylands
Ward: Kingston upon Thames
Status: Planning Approved
The proposal comprises of two blocks consisting of 43 residential apartments, with associated parking and landscaping. The ground floor of Block A consists of flexible commercial use units, as well as cycle storage, plant room and residential entrance lobby leading to 20 residential apartments over four additional storeys, with a communal roof garden on the fifth floor.
Block B consists predominantly undercroft parking, which allows parking to recede and less prominent within the scheme. Cycle storage, plant and residential lobby leads to 23 residential apartments over five additional storeys.
High quality landscaping is integral to the scheme and surrounds both blocks allowing the buildings to feel grounded within its siting. Closed gardens to the south of the site allow for communal, but private amenity space for residents. They also react to the sensitive boundary to this area of the scheme, creating distance between the built proposals and the rear of the properties along Surbiton Drive.
Bin storage and substation is kept within a separate block to the north of the site. Each of the commercial units, plant rooms, cycle store and bin stores are designed with secure access controls to maximise a safe environment.