Client: Dandara Homes
Sector: Masterplanning
Location: Crowborough
Status: Planning
Set within the Wealden district of East Sussex, the land off of Walshes Road, Crowborough was designed as a high quality landscape-led development that allowed maximum retention of existing foliage, particularly the existing tree belt to the boundaries and the majority of the mature hedgerows running through the centre of the site.
The site also incorporated a large SuDS ponds and public open space to the north of the site, with pockets of green spaces that break up the built development parcels and incorporate tree lined avenues, particularly to the main entrance road. Along the northern boundary is a landscape green buffer zone, which provides space between the development and surrounding fields.
A series of street typologies were proposed, consisting of the main spine road, providing access onto informal avenues and lanes to serve clusters of development; private lanes, which are particularly prominent on greenway edges and low density areas, and mews courts to serve larger blocks of development.
The proposed development is for 100 dwellings, catering for a range of requirements, which ensures the development offers a sustainable range of houses, types and tenures that reflect the current and future needs of the area suitable for large families, young families, single people and the elderly.